dimwit|dimwits in English


stupid person, idiot, half-wit

Use "dimwit|dimwits" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dimwit|dimwits" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dimwit|dimwits", or refer to the context using the word "dimwit|dimwits" in the English Dictionary.

1. 4 Everyone knows that ducks are dimwits.

2. 1 Look where you're going, dimwit!

3. Jones and Cook were simply likeable dimwits.

4. 3 Jones and Cook were simply likeable dimwits.

5. 7 There's no smoke, no fire, you dimwit.

6. 2 Don't let that dimwit Larry near my computer.

7. 9 I've forgotten what I came in here for - I'm such a dimwit!

8. He was a douche bag, a dimwit, a greedy little treasure hunter with a fancy accent.

9. Shore actually plays the smarter of two dimwits who mistakenly lock themselves in a Biosphere-type isolation experiment.

10. 6 Shore actually plays the smarter of two dimwits who mistakenly lock themselves in a Biosphere-type isolation experiment.

11. This time someone has thrown a shoe at the Chinese leader while dimwit Gordon Brown stands by to sign away more British Jobs to Chinese slave laborers.

12. 12 This time someone has thrown a shoe at the Chinese leader while dimwit Gordon Brown stands by to sign away more British Jobs to Chinese slave laborers.

13. 11 Lesser actors might have baulked at playing an IRA terrorist or an incomprehensible Irish boxer or, as with Benjamin Button, a kind of half-Gump, half-Kermit dimwit. But not Pitt.

14. 8 As for your dimwit boss and others who seem to try to annoy you, know that they are probably experiencing just as much inner turmoil as they are creating around them, says Jay Winner, M. D.